Thank you for taking the time to participate in our rating study.

In this survey, you will rate hypotheses on their quality. Your participation will help us understand how people can generate high quality hypotheses.

We present you hypotheses generated by the crowd on a certain data science problem. We ask you to rate hypotheses on their quality, and the quality is defined based on certain criteria. We have a total of 164 hypotheses that need rating, and each hypothesis has the same rating criteria and questions.

To rate one hypothesis, it takes less than 1 minute. You get faster, the more you rate.


We currently have 570 out of 656 required ratings.

At the current submission rate, each person would need to rate at least 25-35 minutes. Please rate as many as you can!
You can always return to this survey if you have time and rate more.

We are highly dependent on your input and want to thank you in advance for your much appreciated work.

Table of Contents


Quality Rating Criterias

Examples for Criterias



Quality Rating Criterias

Your task is to rate the quality of the hypotheses based on seven criteria:


Here are some examples for each criteria.
These examples include imaginary hypotheses from a random scenario dataset which is about volcanic activity.

(Volcanic activity include volcanos and their erruptions, and everything around its consequences)

Question: Does this Hypothesis make sense?
Example Hypothesis Explanation
Hypothesis: "T-Shirts are more likely to speak when held under water" Does this Hypothesis make sense?
Because T-Shirts cannot  speak. This hypothesis does not make sense.

Question: Does this Hypothesis include empirical observations?
Example Hypothesis Explanation
Hypothesis: "Magic did cause the volcano to errupt." Does this Hypothesis include empirical observations?
An empirical observation would include why the volcano errupted, and not just magic.


Question: Does the hypothesis include at least 2 variables?
Example Hypothesis Explanation
Hypothesis: "Volcano number 45 has the hottest water" Does the hypothesis include at least 2 variables?
There are not 2 variables that are in a relationship to each other in this hypothesis

Question: Does it make use of features related to the problem scenario?
(Imagine a dataset about volcanic activity on Hawaii)
Example Hypothesis Explanation

Hypothesis: "Paddleboats on the lake of Zurich are faster because of the electric motor"
Does it make use of features related to the problem scenario?
The problem scenario is about volcanic activity!

Question: How precisely is this hypothesis written? 
Example Hypothesis Explanation
Hypothesis A : "The earth got denser because of an earthquake caused by a volcano"
Hypothesis B : "The earth got 3 kilogram per cubic meter denser because of earthquake of magnitude 3, which was caused by the erruption of a volcano"
How precisely is this hypothesis written? 
Hypothesis A would score lower than Hypothesis B on a scale from 1 to 5

Question: How easy is it to interpret?
Example Hypothesis Explanation
Hypothesis A : "The thing from the top left turned into ten units of something because of the other thing from down there"
Hypothesis B : "Volcano number 45 turned into ten small island because of the erruption from 1923"
How easy is it to interpret?
Hypothesis A would score lower than Hypothesis B on a scale from 1 to 5

Question: How likely is it to be true?
Example Hypothesis Explanation
Hypothesis A : "Volcanic erruption causes the earth to fly into the sun"
Hypothesis B : "Volcanic erruption causes plane flights to be cancelled"
How likely is it to be true?
Hypothesis A would score lower than Hypothesis B on a scale from 1 to 5

If you have any question or need more information, feel free to contact us via chat, in person or via email:


Cookie Consent: A cookie will be stored in your browser in order to not show you any hypotheses twice and to save your gamification progress. If you continue, you agree with this.


1Unknown Rater (cr5...)96
2Unknown Hero (lb6...)40
4Unknown Rater (kts...)29
6Unknown Participant (hht...)21
7Unknown Participant (qnj...)21
8Unknown Worker (kkm...)20
10Unknown Hero (bmt...)19
11Unknown Rater (igf...)17
13Unknown Person (u5n...)15
14Unknown Participant (2l8...)14
15Unknown Rescuer (r2l...)13
16james bond13
17Unknown Participant (q8r...)11
18Unknown Person (8sk...)10
19Unknown Saviour (t06...)10
21Unknown Participant (8pu...)9
22Unknown Rescuer (iga...)8
234 und 50er 8
25Unknown Participant (lk7...)7
26Unknown Worker (u0p...)7
28Unknown Participant (gbo...)7
29Unknown Participant (i1m...)6
30Unknown Saviour (6k6...)5
34Unknown Hero (07a...)3
35Brain 3
37Unknown Rescuer (utn...)2
38Unknown Person (bm8...)2
39Unknown Worker (7j2...)2
40Unknown Worker (0ms...)2
42Unknown Participant (rar...)2
43Unknown Participant (5qc...)1
44Unknown Participant (n22...)1
45Unknown Person (d9k...)1
46Unknown Worker (kei...)1
47Unknown Participant (15n...)1
49Unknown Participant (4m9...)1
50Unknown Worker (rla...)1
51Unknown Worker (nst...)1
52Unknown Rater (vpc...)1
53Unknown Rescuer (vei...)1
54Unknown Person (isu...)1